Anyone with arthritis can appreciate how useful it would be if scientists could grow cartilage in the lab. To this end, Keck School of Medicine of USC scientists in the USC Stem Cell laboratories of Denis Evseenko and Michael Bonaguidi collaborated with colleagues at several institutions to provide new insights into how gene activity drives Read More…
Author: lytal
The Baxter Foundation awards grant to Michael Bonaguidi
From the brain to the bile, the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation is supporting innovative medical research by granting $100,000 awards to two assistant professors: Michael Bonaguidi in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine; and Sanda Win in the Department of Medicine’s GI/Liver Division. To read more, visit
Avinash Iyer and Lee McMahon receive Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellowships (PURF)
Max Bay publishes in Development
Gage Crump, Michael Bonaguidi and colleagues used a genomics and computational biology approach to understand how the different parts of the facial skeletal form in zebrafish, shedding new light on craniofacial disorders.
Michael Bonaguidi receives award from L.K. Whittier Foundation
Michael Bonaguidi has received an award from L.K. Whittier Foundation for developing new single cell tools in data science for precision medicine. To read more, visit
Michael Bonaguidi speaks at the Hippocampus Provence summer workshop
Michael Bonaguidi speaks at the Hippocampus Provence summer workshop. For more details, visit
USC’s stem cell scientists secure the dollars to fight disease
The price of progress is not only the energy and talent of stem cell scientists, but also the research dollars that support their discoveries. In recent months, faculty members have secured numerous grants to support stem cell-based approaches to study and treat illnesses ranging from osteoarthritis to Alzheimer’s disease to cystic fibrosis. To read more, Read More…
Albina Ibrayeva will present at the ISSCR 2017 Annual Meeting
Albina Ibrayeva (Photo by Cristy Lytal)What happens to the stem cells in our brains as we age? Albina Ibrayeva, a PhD student in the laboratory of Michael Bonaguidi, will address this question in a presentation at the prestigious International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting in Boston in June 2017. Read more at Read More…
Ila Dwivedi highlights classmate Nicole Koutsodendris in Commencement profile
As part of the Countdown to Commencement series, stem cell master’s student and Bonaguidi lab member Ila Dwivedi wrote a profile about her classmate Nicole Koutsodendris. To read more, visit
Lee McMahon awarded Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) fellowship