If Tianli “Sheldon” Ding needed any confirmation that he was on the right path in life, he got in the form of a diagnosis: leukemia. When Ding was an undergraduate in college, stem cells in his blood betrayed him and turned cancerous. What happened next only made him more determined to study stem cells and…Continue Reading Science saved his life at 21, and now Tianli “Sheldon” Ding is on a mission
Year: 2022
Newborn cells in the epileptic brain provide a potential target for treatment
Over the years, everyone loses a few brain cells. A study led by scientists from USC Stem Cell and the USC Neurorestoration Center presents evidence that adults can replenish at least some of what they’ve lost by generating new brain cells, and that this process is dramatically altered in patients with long-term epilepsy. The findings…Continue Reading Newborn cells in the epileptic brain provide a potential target for treatment