Undergraduate Student emilyssu@usc.edu…Continue Reading Emily Sun
Emily Sun

Undergraduate Student emilyssu@usc.edu…Continue Reading Emily Sun
Undergraduate Student emilyssu@usc.edu…Continue Reading Emily Sun
Undergraduate Student curtisttoyota@gmail.com…Continue Reading Curtis Toyota
Undergraduate Student clarisew@usc.edu…Continue Reading Clarise White
Lab publishes a study describing a gradient niche that controls adult neural stem cell activation in Molecular Brain….Continue Reading Lab publishes in Molecular Brain
Lab co-authors a bioinformatics pipeline revealing molecular cascades underlying initiation of adult neurogenesis in Cell Stem Cell….Continue Reading Lab publishes in Cell Stem Cell
Can science make us immortal? At a recent Los Angeles screening of director Tarsem Singh’s science fiction thriller Self/Less, Michael Bonaguidi and University of Arizona researcher Wolfgang Fink tackled this and other big questions during a panel discussion moderated by KIIS-FM DJ Manny Guevara, known as “Manny on the Streetz.” Read more at stemcell.usc.edu/2015/07/08/usc-stem-cell-researcher-michael-bonaguidi-dissects-the-film-selfless….Continue Reading Michael Bonaguidi dissects the film Self/Less
Congratulations to Albina Ibrayeva, who won a GEM4 Summer Institute Best Poster Award….Continue Reading Albina Ibrayeva wins a GEM4 Summer Institute Best Poster Award
Michael Bonaguidi receives R00 Award from NINDS to investigate neural stem cell dynamics after stroke….Continue Reading Michael Bonaguidi receives R00 Award from NINDS
Michael Bonaguidi speaks at a Tri-institutional Stem Cell Retreat, bringing together nearly 300 scientists from USC, UCLA and UCSF. He discussed single cell approaches for adult stem cell biology. To read more, visit stemcell.usc.edu/2015/05/28/tri-institutional-stem-cell-retreat-brings-together-broad-centers-from-usc-ucla-and-ucsf….Continue Reading Michael Bonaguidi speaks at USC UCLA UCSF Tri-institutional Stem Cell Retreat